2014-2015  Language Activities

English Day

Four seemingly ordinary days were actually far from ordinary. Each of them bore a distinguishable name — the English Day. LCMS students were exposed to a flood of activities that helped them with learning the English language the fun way. Typical ones were games, broadcasts and morning assembly in English. English Channel on the English Day, hosted by Mr Tucker, our NET, was the most expected component.

English Week

The annual English Week was from 9 to 13 March 2015. Love was in the air all around the campus as this year¡¦s theme was Love and Marriage.

Students learnt English through different activities, such as games, comic strips, films, lunch activities and snapshot competition. The list here is by no means exhaustive. The whole school¡¦s undivided attention was the drama performance, Romeo and Juliet by Chunky Onion in the school hall. Students and teachers were immersed in the tragic fate of the young people who were in deep and immense love with each other. Moved by the performers¡¦ brilliant acting, the audience had it to their hearts¡¦ content.

Students now have a deeper understanding of culture and customs of wedding.

English Day Camp

40 students from S.1 all the way up to S.5 who had a heart to better themselves embarked on an expedition headed for Stanley for the English-Rich Outing Programme on 30 June 2014. They were in an English-rich environment in which it was stipulated that English was the only medium for interaction. The aim was to let students use the language as much as possible in a real life situation. The moment they reached Stanley, they wasted no time in exploring the landmarks such as Stanley Beach, Murray Building and Stanley Market.

They also learned that table manners were important and made meals more enjoyable. They knew that they would be proud if they followed the rules and impress other people with good table manners..

Students in groups interviewed foreigners in the afternoon blazing and scorching sun. It was expected that they would learn skills for interview, speak English with confidence, collect and correlate statistics. All students accomplished the task and present and gave positive feedback.