2016/2017 Term 2 Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debate Competition

Lai Chack’s Spirit of Perseverance

Congratulation to our Debate Team!

After months of persistent hard-work, teamwork and three rounds of heated debate competitions, our school English Debate Team was the winner in the third round. The debate competition was carried out on 2nd March 2017 in Lai Chack Middle School. Our debate team members were Ashley, Chow Man Hei (S3A) and Canete Gabriel Amaya (S3B) and Philix, Chan Yui Hin (S4A). The teacher-trainer was our dedicated NET Mr Simon Patience. We were honoured to participate in the debate with talented students from Po Leung Kuk Wu Chung College.

According to the comments of the adjudicators, our students have proved themselves to be confident debaters, who possess the ability to speak clearly and think quickly while making persuasive arguments. Our debaters revealed that they have learnt that victory is not the major achievement, but becoming perseverant after challenging and lengthy training is the most invaluable reward!

2016/2017 下學期 香港中學辯論比賽

  本校英文辯論隊,經過數個月以來堅持不懈的努力,在三輪辯論激戰中發揮出團隊精神,終於在第三次比賽中獲勝。是次比賽於201732日在麗澤中學舉行。本校英文辯論隊隊員包括三甲班周汶羲同學三乙班簡家寶同學四甲班陳銳軒同學。感謝指導老師Mr Simon Patience為是次活動盡心盡力。我們很榮幸有如此難得的機會與來自新界區(II)冠軍保良局胡忠中學的同學互相切磋。
