校 名、校 訓 及 校 徽

School name, motto and Emblem

一、校名釋義 Meaning behind Lai Chack

  麗澤之名,見於《易經》兌卦「麗澤兌,君子以朋友講習。 」意思有二,其一是同學間能以善行相濡染,以知識相灌輸;其二是教師們能教學相長,互相策勵。 
      The name Lai Chack can be seen in the Book of Changes (I Ching) .
     “The waters of a marsh, one over the other, form Dui. The superior man, in accordance with this, (encourages) the conversation of friends and (the stimulus of) their (common) practice. - The I Ching”
      From this phrase, we’ve interpreted it into two meanings. One is that the students can and should imbue each other with good deeds and instill knowledge. The other is that the teachers can teach, while also encouraging each other.

二、校訓釋義 Meaning behind the School Motto

  校訓「自強不息」,同本於《易經》「天行健,君子以自強不息。 」意思是勉人當如日月之運行,周而復始,晝夜不息。
       Our school motto, “Strive for yours”, was also inspired by the Book of Changes (I Ching).
      “Just as the celestial bodies never run out of energy to orbit around the sun, so should we always strive to better ourselves. - I Ching”
       It means to encourage people to function like the sun and moon does, repeating the cycle, day and night, with no rest.

三、校徽 The School Emblem

      The emblem of the school takes the meaning of shine with great splendor and radiates itself along the stars, symbolizing and encouraging all students and staff to make progress, achieve excellent achievements in morality and culture, and make contributions towards society.

